Part 2 of the application process
Your responses to the QUICK form application starter look very promising for there being a good match with a Skylit puppy but I need a bit more info now!
In order to be able to ensure there is going to be a good fit with a Skylit puppy for you, please complete the following INFO GATHERING form. This will help me be able to make recommendations to you regarding the best potential litter(s) and/or puppies for you.
Be forewarned… this form is a lot lengthier than the QUICK form(!) but it is important info for me to have. I want there to be a great fit between my pups and their families.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Application Process
Is the process first come, first served?
No not really. While I do an initial review of applications in the order they are received, I frequently have multiple applications in process at the same time. Some are more complete and easier to review. Others require additional information or clarification and can take longer.
How does the process work?
The first step in the application process is to complete a QUICK assessment form… which you have done and it has been successful. The more detailed INFO GATHERING form is then Step 2 in the application process.
Can we come visit first?
You are welcome to schedule a time to visit if you have had a successful QUICK form. While a positive response to the QUICK form doesn’t guarantee you will be matched with a Skylit lab, it does mean that your application has made the first cut and has a greater chance of success. Please remember that I close the door to visitors 2 weeks prior to puppies being born and for the first 4 weeks after they are born for the health and welfare of mums and babies.
Our INFO GATHERING form was not approved. We are experienced dog/Lab owners. How is this possible?
I am very selective as to where I place my puppies and turn away far more applicants than I accept. As I only have a limited number of puppies each year, I look for what I consider to be the best placements possible for them. I know my puppies and where I feel they will do best. Just because your INFO GATHERING form wasn’t approved, it doesn’t mean you are “bad” dog owners! It just means that I do not feel there will be a good fit between what I am looking for for my puppies and what you are looking for.
The application process is lengthy. Can’t I just ring you and you can ask me what you need to know?
I’m sure your time is valuable. Mine is too. And getting a puppy that is a good fit for your family is well worth putting in the time to ensure that happens. I am more than happy to speak with applicants on the phone but I need the application forms completed so that when I’m working on reviewing your information, typically at ridiculous hours of the day or night, I have the information I need readily available. You are welcome to not complete the application process as specified or to not provide all of the information requested. It will however most likely lead to my not approving your request for a Skylit lab.
When is the ideal time to complete the INFO GATHERING form?
If you are interested in adding a puppy to your family within the next year, I’d encourage you to complete it ASAP so that hopefully you can get through the whole process and be pre-approved when I announce a litter that is of interest to you. When you have completed all steps of the application process and are approved, approval is valid for 1 year. (If you pass the 1 year mark, don’t worry. Renewing your approval is quick and easy.) If you are moving, apply once you know where you are moving to. Certain particulars about the property where the puppy will be living are key aspects that I review.
Are deposits refundable?
Deposits are refundable if the litter does not produce the gender & color of puppy you requested at the time of deposit. Deposits are NOT refundable if you change you mind. It is important that the timing be right for adding a Labrador to the family and so I am usually happy to shift a deposit to a future litter if something unexpected has happened. For the best interests of my puppies, Skylit Labradors reserves the right to cancel any reservation at any time and return any monies paid to date prior to the Lab departing Skylit for their new family.
Can you let me know if you end up having a puppy available, put me on a waiting list, or get in touch with me when you have your next litter or adult dog available? Keep me in mind!
I post updates on my Skylit Labs Facebook page and that is the best place to look for updates to my breeding plans or to learn about puppies that have become available. Families that have an approved application on file need not worry that they will be added to a marketing list as I gauge a family’s overall interest and commitment to wanting to add a Skylit Lab to their family by their staying in touch with me. If I haven’t heard from you in a while, I’ll assume you have changed your mind or gotten a puppy elsewhere. I rarely have time to chase up possibly interested families unfortunately.