guardianship Program
What is the Guardianship Program?
The Guardianship Program is a partnership program with Skylit. You receive a Pick of the Litter puppy for only a fraction of the litter price! You raise the puppy as if he/she was your own. When your Lab reaches breeding age (typically 1 year for males and 2 years for females), I may choose to breed from them (for males) or have ONE litter from them (for females). I take care of all the breeding-related expenses and work. Afterwards, they are neutered/spayed (at Skylit’s expense if they ended up participating) and the Guardianship Agreement is reissued as an Adoption Agreement and your Lab is now officially yours! Typically the Guardianship Program can be completed before your Lab turns 2 years of age for males and 3 years of age for females.
What does the Program Cost and what Do We get in return?
The Guardianship Program fee is $500… which is only 1/4 of the current purchase price of a Skylit Labrador puppy! Not only is THAT a great deal, but you get the pick of the litter (best puppy) AND I pay for its spay/neutering (a $300 value) if they end up producing a litter for Skylit.
Do we get to pick our puppy?
Skylit determines what puppy will be the Pick of the Litter (and subsequently, the puppy entering the Guardianship Program). You are under no obligation to accept that puppy as your Guardianship puppy if we pick a different puppy than what you were hoping. You may wait for the next Guardianship puppy to become available.
How old will the puppy be when we take it home?
Guardianship puppies are able to depart Skylit shortly after turning 10 weeks of age. We also have young adult Labs that are available through the Guardianship Program. They are typically available straight away.
Who pays for the puppy’s expenses During the Guardianship Program?
The Guardian family covers the “normal” costs of raising the puppy — food, healthcare, training, etc. Skylit covers any costs related to future breeding — genetic health testing, hip/elbow xrays, etc. Skylit also covers the cost of the puppy’s spaying/neutering if it participated in breeding through the Guardianship Program.
How does the guardianship program work for the older labs on the list?
Sometimes young adult labs may be available for Guardianship. These are typically labs that are planned to be part of the Skylit breeding program or may be taking a break before having their next or final litter. Basically it works the same for those Labs as it does for puppies… it’s just they are starting at an older age and will likely finish (ie Guardianship agreement re-issued to Adoption) sooner than puppies.
We don’t live on the north island. Can we still be a guardian family?
Unfortunately due to the transport costs involved when the puppy would need to travel to Skylit for breeding, we are only able to accept those families that reside on the north island for the Guardianship Program under most cases. You can however check out the Adoption program which is open to BOTH islands!
How long will our puppy be away from home when they start their breeding role?
The amount of time can vary but on average, your Lab would come to Skylit for breeding and have a 2-3 week stay. They would then return home. If they are a female and determined to be pregnant, she would then return to Skylit at 7 weeks pregnant and remain for roughly 9 weeks to whelp and raise her litter.
How long does the puppy remain in the Guardianship program?
In most cases the Guardianship Program can be completed before your Lab turns 2 years of age for males and 3 years of age for females. For females, a lot is dependent upon when they come into season and their maturity level.
What if you change your mind and decide you want the puppy back?
The only reason I would take back a Guardianship Program puppy would be if there was an animal welfare concern (ie the Lab was not receiving the proper care) or there was a change to the original environment from when the puppy was initially placed that was likely to negatively impact either the puppy or Skylit’s breeding program.
I will of course take back any Guardianship Program puppy that the family is no longer able to or wishes to maintain custody of.
Where can we see a copy of the Guardianship Agreement?
Click HERE to see a sample copy of the Guardianship Agreement. It may be tweaked slightly depending on the puppy/dog but this will give you a good idea of the terms and conditions.
THE Guardianship Program Process
Currently Available for Guardianship
Be sure to check out the current planned litter page to see where there are likely to be Guardianship puppies available.
At this time Skylit does not have any adults available for Guardianship.