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The Dog House Shoppe

The Dog House Shoppe at Skylit began because families were interested in treats, toys, and equipment that I was using with MY OWN Labradors and so I began ordering in a few extra… in case anyone needed something that I had.

Now it’s grown to include toys, harnesses, treats, chews, and health care items.

I do not stock your typical items you will find in pet stores around New Zealand. Most of the items I stock I import myself from overseas. They are products that are tried and true. I ONLY stock what I would use myself with my own labs.

There are many suitable items for puppies. Often I will offer raw food meals (3 or 7 day options) as well to help make it easier on new families.

You’ll notice my pricing is VERY competitive. The Dog House Shoppe was not intended as a money-making business but rather as an add-on service to help out my puppy families.

A couple of notes…

  • Puppy families get free NZ wide shipping on anything they order just by entering in the code SKYLITFAMILY at checkout.

  • Puppy families also get a special deal on new 2 Hounds Design Harness/Lead sets! If you keep your new harness/lead set in good condition, you can return it for a $30 refund when you purchase the next size up. All new harness/lead sets sell for $60 so you can get each successive set for basically half price!