approved for a skylit Puppy
Important Dates for your Litter
Reservation Process
Congratulations! You’re here because you’ve been approved for a Skylit Labrador!! Well this is the right place as this Guide will help you through the process of moving from “Approved” to having that new family member.
So to find out what you need to do to “secure” either your new Lab OR your place in the picking queue for a puppy, follow the section below that describes YOUR situation.
For Purchasing a PUppy from a Litter Not Yet Planned
I start planning my litters in the second half of the year, for the NEXT year. If you've come along before THAT stage in the process, good on you for knowing what you want and being willing to wait for that "just right" new family member!
I may have already spoken to you about a litter that I am hoping to produce in the future or you may be waiting for me to pair two of your favourite Labs of mine together. Either way, I cannot accept reservations on litters that I have not listed on our Upcoming Litters page.
But the good news is that you are already approved so all you need to do is keep watch of that page and also the Skylit Facebook page so you can submit your deposit as soon as I've officially listed that litter of your dreams as one of my planned litters.
Your application approval is good for 1 year from the date of approval. If it goes beyond that point before your dream litter comes into being, I will just ask that you resubmit your application. This is usually just a formality so that I have your latest info on file and you'll be good to go for another year!
For purchasing a puppy From a Litter Planned But Not Yet Born
For any of my planned litters, a deposit of $250 "locks in" the price that is in effect at that time and also secures the family's order in the picking queue once puppies are born. Our reservation list is found on the Upcoming Litters page, below each planned breeding.
When I first announce an upcoming breeding the pricing that is in effect is our "Planned Breeding" price. That price is in effect until pregnancy is confirmed. Once pregnancy is confirmed, I release the "Litter" price which may be the same or more than the Planned Breeding price. Suffice it to say, it is always wise to place your deposit while the Planned Breeding price is in effect (as it is assured to be the lowest price), and the earlier the better (in order to be higher up in the picking queue). Skylit always reserves a minimum of first pick male and female from every litter. Sometimes I don't action that pick so first pick does end up being available.
Placing a deposit is what secures your spot in the pick order. You will need to provide the gender and colour of the puppy you are hoping for at the time of deposit. When you place your deposit, list in the reference details the first initials of the parents as well as the gender & colour of puppy you prefer. Or if you prefer, just send me an email with that info so that I can log your deposit appropriately.
The Skylit bank details are as follows.
Skylit Labradors
Deposits are fully refundable if the litter fails to produce the colour and gender of puppy you requested. Deposits are not refundable should you change your mind. However, I am very willing to work with families if they need to switch their deposit to another litter or place it on hold for a period of time.
Placing Multiple Deposits
You are welcome to place multiple deposits if you are undecided which litter OR want to secure multiple genders or colours to better ensure your chance of getting the puppy you hope for. Multiple deposits DO NOT mean multiple puppies(!) It is merely holding various reservation spots with different criteria (perhaps your 2nd or 3rd choice) in case a litter does not produce what you placed your initial deposit for.
You are welcome to shift and/or combine multiple deposits as needed. The only caveat is that you do not shift a deposit away from a litter or puppy after it has reached 4 weeks of age. This is to ensure I still have plenty of time to find a new family for the puppy/litter you are no longer interested in.
Placing multiple deposits does not mean you end up paying more for the puppy you end up getting. It only means you will have paid more upfront toward the total cost of your puppy and will have less to pay when final payments are due.
Here are a few examples.
Example #1: you are really hoping for a black female from an upcoming litter but your deposit would be the 6th deposit on your preferred litter and there are already 4 deposits ahead of you for a girl. You decide to place a 2nd deposit for a black boy on the same litter as currently there is only 1 other deposit for a boy. Weeks later, the litter is born and there are 7 girls and 3 boys. You watch the puppies mature and grow and at 3 weeks of age, you decide you are going to go for a girl. You shift the deposit you had for a boy puppy over to the girl puppy meaning you have less to pay for your little girl puppy when it is time to make final payments.
Example #2: you are really hoping for a black female from an upcoming litter but your deposit would be the 6th deposit on your preferred litter and there are already 4 deposits ahead of you for a girl. You decide to place a 2nd deposit for a chocolate girl from a litter that is due to be born 2 weeks after your preferred litter. You are the only deposit on that litter for a chocolate girl. Weeks later, your preferred litter is born and there are only 3 girls/2 boys… no girl for you and all the boys were already reserved. You shift your unsuccessful deposit over to be combined with your 2nd deposit on the later litter. Two weeks later the 2nd litter is born and there is a chocolate girl puppy. You now have a double deposit on your chocolate girl puppy meaning you have less to pay when it is time to make final payments.
For Purchasing a puppy from a Litter Already Born (Puppies Younger than 7 Weeks)
If you have entered the process once puppies are already born, our Litter price will be in effect. More than likely there will already be a picking queue established for the litter as well.
Our reservation list is found on the Upcoming Litters page, below each planned breeding.
Assuming there are still spots available in the picking queue, placing a $250 deposit is what will secure the next available spot in the pick order. You will need to provide the gender and colour of the puppy you are hoping for. When you place your deposit, list in the reference details the first initials of the parents as well as the gender & colour of puppy you prefer. Or if you prefer, just send me an email with that info so that I can log your deposit appropriately.
The Skylit bank details are as follows.
Skylit Labradors
Deposits are fully refundable if the gender and colour of puppy you requested does not end up being available, although due to how the picking process works, this is not likely to be the case. Unfortunately at this point in the process I cannot accept deposits subject to a "specific" puppy being available as I won't be sure who other families ahead of you may select. Deposits are not refundable should you change your mind at this point in the process.
For Purchasing a Puppy/Young Adult Older Than 7 Weeks
If you have entered the process at this point in time, there are SPECIFIC puppies available. For litters, the Litter price will be in effect and picks will have already been made by the families who had deposits in place before this time. Many people worry that they are getting “leftover” puppies and while it is true that these puppies have not been selected through the picking process, it does not in any way imply they are inferior to the puppies that have already been selected! Remember, I’m all about ensuring the fit it right between a puppy and the family. The puppies or young adults available at this stage in the process are available purely because the RIGHT family for them has not come forward yet.
You can see which puppies are available on the Litters page.
In order to "reserve" a puppy at this point in the process, full payment is required. Once you have confirmed that you'd like to add a specific available puppy to your family, I will put a courtesy hold on your puppy/young adult for 48hrs to give you time to arrange the transfer of the funds. Until I have confirmation from you that you wish to proceed with a specific pup, I will be continuing to process applications. So don't delay letting me know if you wish to proceed with a specific puppy... or else you may be disappointed and find out another family has beat you to it.
The Skylit bank details are as follows.
Skylit Labradors
Skylit Labradors reserves the right to cancel any reservation at any time and return any monies paid to date prior to the Lab departing Skylit for their new family.